Alford, B(ernard) W(illiam) E(rnest)

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ALFORD, B(ernard) W(illiam) E(rnest)

ALFORD, B(ernard) W(illiam) E(rnest). British, b. 1937. Genres: Economics, History. Career: professor of economic and social history, 1982-, and chairman, School of History, 1990-, University of Bristol (assistant lecturer, 1962-64, lecturer, 1964-73, sr. lecturer, 1973-76, and reader, 1976-82). Treasurer, Economic History Society, 1988-. Assistant lecturer in economic history, London School of Economics, 1961-62; member, Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Public Records, 1989-94; member, Research Grants Board, 1989-93. Publications: (with T.C. Barker) A History of the Carpenters' Company, 1968; Depression and Recovery? British Economic Growth 1918-1939, 1972; W.D. & H.O. Wills and the Development of the U.K. Tobacco Industry 1786-1965, 1973; British Economic Performance, 1945-75, 1988; (with R. Lowe and N. Rollings) Economic Planning in Britain, 1943-1951, 1992; Britain in the World Economy since 1880, 1995. Address: 13-15 Woodland Rd, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1TB, England. Online address:

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