Albarella, Joan K.

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ALBARELLA, Joan K. American, b. 1944. Genres: Novels, Poetry. Career: Alpha Press Publishing, Gardenville, NY, founder, owner, and publisher, 1973-. Western New York Catholic, Buffalo, NY, writer and photographer, 1983-86; State University of New York-Buffalo, associate professor of writing at Educational Opportunity Center, 1986-. Director, performer, and playwright for children's theater productions; gives lectures and readings from her works. Publications: POETRY: Mirror Me, 1973; Poems for the Asking, 1975; Women, Flowers, Fantasy, 1987; Spirit and Joy, 1993. NOVELS: Agenda for Murder, 1999; Called to Kill, 2000. Contributor of poetry, articles, and short stories to magazines and newspapers. Address: Alpha Press Promotions, 3574 Clinton St., Buffalo, NY 14224, U.S.A. Online address:

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