Aguilar, Rosario
AGUILAR, Rosario
AGUILAR, Rosario. Nicaraguan, b. 1938. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories. Publications: NOVELS: Primavera Sonambula (title means: Sleepwalking Spring), 1964; Quince Barrotes de Izquierda a Derecha, 1965; Rosa Sarmiento (biographical novel), 1968; Aquel Mar sin Fondo ni Playa (title means: That Sea without Bottom or Beach), 1970; Las Doce y Veintinueve (title means: TwelveTwenty-Nine), 1975; Primavera Sonambula, 1976; 7 Relatos Sobre el Amor y la Guerra, 1986; La Nina Blanca y los Pajaros sin Pies (historical novel), 1992, as The Lost Chronicles of Terra Firma, 1997. SHORT STORIES: Siete Relatos sobre el Amor y la Guerra (title means: Seven Tales about Love and War), 1986. BIOGRAPHY: Soledad: tu eres el enlace (title means: Soledad: You Are the Link), 1995. Address: PO Box 162, Leon, Nicaragua. Online address: