Adams, Charles

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ADAMS, Charles

ADAMS, Charles. Canadian (born United States), b. 1930. Genres: Economics, History, Law, Money/Finance. Career: Attorney in general practice in Ventura, CA, 1957-69, and Encino, CA, 1969-71; Cayman Islands International College, professor of history, 1971-75. Adjunct scholar, Cato Institute and Von Mises Institute, Auburn, University, both 1994. National Archives, lecturer. Publications: Fight, Flight, Fraud, 1983; For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization, 1993, 2nd ed, 1999; Those Dirty Rotten Taxes, 1998; When in the Course of Human Events, 2000. Contributor to periodicals. Some writings appear under the pseudonym Scott Adams. Address: PO Box 62, Pickering, ON, Canada L1V 2R2. Online address:

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Adams, Charles

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