The Accused 1988

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The Accused ★★★ 1988 (R)

Provocative treatment of a true story involving a young woman gang raped in a bar while onlookers cheer. McGillis is the assistant district attorney who takes on the case and must contend with the victim's questionable past and a powerful lawyer hired by a wealthy defendant's parents. As the victim with a past, Foster gives an Oscar-winning performance that won raves for its strength and complexity. 110m/C VHS, DVD . Jodie Foster, Kelly McGillis, Bernie Coulson, Leo Rossi, Ann Hearn, Carmen Argenziano, Steve Antin, Tom O'Brien, Peter Van Norden, Woody Brown; D: Jonathan Kaplan; W: Tom Topor; C: Ralf Bode; M: Brad Fiedel. Oscars '88: Actress (Foster); Golden Globes '89: Actress—Drama (Foster); Natl. Bd. of Review '88: Actress (Foster).

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