Abrams, Ovid (S. McL.)
ABRAMS, Ovid (S. McL.)
ABRAMS, Ovid (S. McL.). American (born Guyana), b. 1939. Genres: Area studies, Business/Trade/Industry. Career: CNS News (wire service), NYC, city editor, 1972-75; Fairchild Publications, NYC, news editor, 1976-78; Publishers Weekly, NYC, assistant news editor, 1978-80; E.F. Hutton, vice-president and research analyst, 1980-89; McGraw-Hill Book Co., NYC, senior editor, 1989-. Ordained minister. Publications: How to Find the Job of Your Dreams, 1993; Let God Answer Your Prayers, 1994; Metegee: The History and Culture of Guyana, 1998; (with others) The Columbia University Guide to Business Journalism; 760 Degrees of Love (poetry), 2002. Address: 113-27 210th St, Queens Village, NY 11429, U.S.A. Online address: ovidabrams@baruch.cuny.edu; oabra@platts.com