Abrahams, Lionel (Isaac)

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ABRAHAMS, Lionel (Isaac)

ABRAHAMS, Lionel (Isaac). South African, b. 1928. Genres: Poetry. Career: Clerk in father's business, 1950-53; The Purple Renoster (magazine), writer/editor, 1957-72; Renoster Books, co-founder/publisher, 1970-74; Bateleur Press, co-founder/co-editor, 1974-81; Sesame (magazine), publisher, 1981-92; creative writing teacher, 1976-2002. Publications: (with others) Thresholds of Tolerance (poems), 1975; The Celibacy of Felix Greenspan (novel), 1976; Journal of a New Man (poems), 1984; The Writer in Sand (poems), 1988; Lionel Abrahams: A Reader (essays, stories, and poems), 1988; A Dead Tree Full of Live Birds (poems), 1994. EDITOR: (with N. Gordimer) South African Writing Today, 1966; 7 vols. by Herman Charles Bosman, 1957-90; Ruth Miller: Poems, Prose, Plays, 1991. Contributor of stories, poems, articles, and reviews to magazines and literary journals and anthologies. Address: PO Box 260, Rivonia 2128, Republic of South Africa. Online address: renoster@mweb.co.za

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