Nathoy, Lalu (1853–1933)

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Nathoy, Lalu (1853–1933)

Chinese-born ex-slave and entrepreneur. Name variations: Polly Bemis. Born in 1853; died in 1933; married.

Lalu Nathoy was kidnapped from China when she was 18 years old, then sold to a slave trader en route to America. On her arrival, she and several other Chinese women were sold at a public auction, to men who wanted either wives or money-earning prostitutes. Her buyer, who named her Polly Bemis, forced her to work in a saloon in Idaho. Eventually, through her bravery and wit, and despite enormous prejudice in the West toward the Chinese, Nathoy made friends and with their help won her freedom. She became a successful entrepreneur, had a happy marriage, and earned the respect of her fellow townspeople.

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Nathoy, Lalu (1853–1933)

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