man·u·al / ˈmanyə(wə)l/ • adj. of or done with the hands: manual dexterity manual hauling of boats along the towpath. ∎ (of a machine or device) worked by hand, not automatically or electronically: a manual typewriter. ∎ using or working with the hands: a manual laborer.• n. 1. a book of instructions, esp. for operating a machine or learning a subject; a handbook: a computer manual a training manual. ∎ a small book: a pocket-sized manual of the artist's aphorisms. ∎ hist. a book of the forms to be used by priests in the administration of the sacraments.2. a thing operated or done by hand rather than automatically or electronically, in particular: ∎ an organ keyboard played with the hands. ∎ a vehicle with a manual transmission.DERIVATIVES: man·u·al·ly adv.