
views updated May 23 2018

clip1 / klip/ • n. a device, typically flexible or worked by a spring, for holding an object or objects together or in place. ∎  a device such as this used to hold paper currency. ∎  a piece of jewelry fastened by a clip. ∎  a metal holder containing cartridges for an automatic firearm.• v. (clipped, clip·ping) fasten or be fastened with a clip or clips: [tr.] she clipped on a pair of diamond earrings | [intr.] the panels simply clip on to the framework. clip2 • v. (clipped, clip·ping) [tr.] 1. cut short or trim (hair, wool, nails, or vegetation) with shears or scissors. clipping the hedge. ∎  trim or remove the hair or wool of (an animal). ∎  (clip something off) cut off a thing or part of a thing with shears or scissors: he clipped off a piece of wire | fig. she clipped nearly two seconds off the old record. ∎  cut (a section) from a newspaper or magazine. ∎  pare the edge of (a coin), esp. illicitly. ∎  speak (words) in a quick, precise, staccato manner. ∎  Comput. process (an image) so as to remove the parts outside a certain area. ∎  Electr. truncate the amplitude of (a signal) above or below predetermined levels.2. strike briskly or with a glancing blow: the steamroller clipped some parked cars. ∎  [tr.] strike or kick (something, esp. a ball) briskly in a specified direction.3. inf. swindle or rob (someone).4. [intr.] inf. move quickly in a specified direction: we clip down the track.• n. 1. an act of clipping or trimming something. ∎  a short sequence taken from a movie or broadcast. ∎  (also wool clip) the quantity of wool clipped from a sheep or flock.2. inf. a quick or glancing blow.3. [in sing.] inf. a specified speed or rate of movement, esp. when rapid: we crossed the dance floor at a fast clip.PHRASES: at a clip inf. at a time; all at once: eight hours at a clip.clip the wings of trim the feathers of (a bird) so as to disable it from flight. ∎  prevent (someone) from acting freely; check the aspirations of.


views updated May 23 2018


something that clips or clasps things together, hence, the group of items so clipped; a springholder for letters or papersWilkes.

Example: clip of papers [modern].


views updated May 17 2018

clip 1 embrace, grip, clutch. OE. clyppan = OFris. kleppa :- WGmc. *kluppjan, rel. to Lith. glóbti embrace.
Hence clip sb. instrument that clips or grips. XV.


views updated May 21 2018

clip 2 cut, shear XII; mutilate (coin) XIV; cut short (words) XVI; move rapidly XVII. — ON. klippa. prob. imit. of the sound produced.


views updated May 18 2018

CLIP (klɪp) Biochem. corticotrophin-like intermediate lobe peptide

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