
views updated May 18 2018

in·cre·ment / ˈingkrəmənt; ˈin-/ • n. an increase or addition, esp. one of a series on a fixed scale: the inmates' pay can escalate in five-cent increments to a maximum of 90 cents an hour. ∎  a regular increase in salary on such a scale: he had waived his right to the second increment of $18 million so that it could be distributed among 40 employees. ∎  Math. a small positive or negative change in a variable quantity or function.DERIVATIVES: in·cre·men·tal / ˌingkrəˈmentl; ˌin-/·cre·men·tal·ly / ˌingkrəˈmentl-ē; ˌin-/ adv.


views updated May 23 2018

increment To increase the contents of a register or counter by one.


views updated Jun 11 2018

increment increase XV; amount of increase, profit XVII. — L. incrēmentum, f. stem of incrēscere; see prec., -MENT.

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