ex·po·sure / ikˈspōzhər/ • n. 1. the state of being exposed to contact with something: the dangers posed by exposure to asbestos. ∎ an act or instance of being uncovered or unprotected: thick exposures of ice in the western Arctic islands. ∎ a physical condition resulting from being outside in severe weather conditions without adequate protection: he died of exposure at 8,000 feet. ∎ experience of something: his exposure to the banking system. ∎ the action of exposing a photographic film to light or other radiation: a camera which would give a picture immediately after exposure. ∎ the quantity of light or other radiation reaching a photographic film, as determined by shutter speed and lens aperture. ∎ the action of placing oneself at risk of financial losses, e.g., through making loans, granting credit, or underwriting insurance. 2. the publicizing of information or an event: scientific findings receive regular exposure in the media.3. the direction in which a building faces; an outlook: the exposure is perfect—a gentle slope to the southwest.
exposure (iks-poh-zher) n. (in behaviour therapy) a method of treating fears and phobias that involves confronting the individual with the feared object or situation, either gradually (see desensitization, graded self-exposure) or suddenly (see flooding).
Exposure ★ 1991 (R)
A rugged American photographer (Coyote) on assignment in Rio turns vigilante to locate the vicious killer of a young prostitute. Coyote and his girlfriend (Pays) get caught up in the deadly underworld of international arms trading and drug running as they search for the murderer. 99m/C VHS . Peter Coyote, Amanda Pays, Tcheky Karyo; M: Todd Boekelheide.