
views 2,547,778 updated May 29 2018

a·phe·li·on / əˈfēlyən; əˈfēlēən/ • n. (pl. a·phe·li·a / əfēlyə; əˈfēlēə/ or a·phe·li·ons) Astron. the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is furthest from the sun: Mars is at aphelion. The opposite of perihelion.


views 3,273,731 updated May 29 2018

aphelion (astron.) point of a planet's or comet's orbit at which it is farthest from the sun. XVII. Graecized form (Kepler) of modL. aphēlium, f. APO- + Gr. hélios SUN, after L. apogæum APOGEE.


views 3,384,687 updated May 08 2018

aphelion Point in the Earth's elliptical orbit at which the planet is farthest from the Sun. See also PERIHELION.

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