Rischin, Moses

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RISCHIN, Moses. American, b. 1925. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics, History, Biography. Career: Professor of History, San Francisco State University, since 1964. Director, Western Jewish History Center of the Judah L. Magnes Museum, 1967-. Ed., American Minority History series, Northern Illinois University Press, since 1973; Member, Board of Eds., Journal of American Ethnic History, since 1980. Lecturer in History, University of California at Los Angeles, 1962-64. President, Immigration History Society, 1976-79. Publications: An Inventory of American Jewish History, 1954; Our Own Kind; Voting by Race, Creed or National Origin, 1960; The Promised City: New York's Jews 1870-1914, 1962, 3rd ed. 1977; The Jews of the West: The Metropolitan Years, 1979; The Jews and Pluralism: Toward an American Freedom Symphony, 1980; Grandma Never Lived in America: The New Journalism of Abraham Cahan, 1985; Jews of the American West, 1991; An Inventory of Promises: Essays on American Jewish History in Honor of Moses Rischin, 1995. EDITOR: The American Gospel of Success: Individualism and Beyond, 1965, 1974; The Spirit of the Ghetto, by H. Hapgood, 1967; (with S.J. Hurwitz) A Liberal Between Two Worlds: Essays of Solomon F. Bloom, 1968; Concentration Camps U.S.A., 1971; Bonds of Loyalty, 1974; The Abolitionists, 1974; Modern Jewish Experience series, 59 vols., 1975; First Majority, Last Minority, 1976; Immigration and the American Tradition, 1976; Like All the Nations? The Life and Legacy of Judah L. Magnes, 1987; The Jews of North America, 1987; The Jewish Legacy and the German Conscience, 1991-; (with J. Sarna) American Jewish Civilization Series, 1991-. Address: 350 Arballo Dr, San Francisco, CA 94132, U.S.A. Online address: mrischin@Sfsu.edu

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