Loeb, James

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LOEB, JAMES (1867–1933), U.S. banker, philanthropist, and translator. Loeb, who was born in New York, joined his father's well-known banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb … Co. in 1888. He left the firm in 1901 and in 1912 established his residence in Murnau, Germany. The institutions which Loeb founded and endowed include the Institute of Musical Art in New York, later a part of the Juilliard Musical Foundation; the Deutsche Forschungsamstalt fuer Psychiatrie in Munich, for research into the various causes of mental disorders; and the famed Loeb Classical Library (1912), consisting of classic Greek and Latin works in the original, faced by English translations. Among the works which Loeb translated into English were Maurice Croiset's Aristophanes et les partis a Athènes; Phillippe Ernest Legrand's Daos; and Auguste Couat's study of Alexandrian poetry. He was also a competent cellist.


Festschrift fuer James Loeb… (1930).

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