
views updated May 14 2018

rook·er·y / ˈroŏkərē/ • n. (pl. -er·ies) a breeding colony of rooks, typically seen as a collection of nests high in a clump of trees. ∎  a breeding colony of seabirds (esp. penguins), seals, or turtles. ∎ fig. a dense collection of housing, esp. in a slum area.


views updated May 18 2018


a collection of rooks nests; the breeding place or large colony of sea birds or other marine mammals; hence, the birds themselves, as herons or penguins; a cluster of dilapidated buildings. See also building.

Examples : rookery of albatross, 1838; of buildings; of crows, 1822; of herons; of penguins, 1840; of prostitutes, 1851; of rooks, 1725; of sea bears, 1881; of sea elephants, 1860; of seals, 1847; of volcanoes.

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