
views updated May 23 2018

o·ri·ole / ˈôrēˌōl/ • n. 1. an Old World bird (genus Oriolus, family Oriolidae) related to the starlings that feeds on fruit and insects, the male typically having bright yellow and black plumage. 2. a New World bird (genus Icterus) of the American blackbird family, with black and orange or yellow plumage, including the Baltimore oriole (I. galbula).


views updated May 17 2018

oriole Two unrelated types of songbirds. The Old World oriole (family Oriolidae) is brightly coloured and lays eggs in a cup-shaped nest. The New World oriole (family Icteridae) has similar colouring and builds hanging nests in trees.


views updated Jun 08 2018

oriole name of various yellow-plumaged birds. XVIII. — med. and modL. oriolus — OF. oriol :- L. aureolus, f. aureus golden, f. aurum gold.

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