
views 1,857,890 updated May 17 2018

civ·et / ˈsivət/ • n. (also civet cat) 1. a slender nocturnal carnivorous mammal (Viverra and other genera) with a barred and spotted coat, native to Africa and Asia. The civet family (Viverridae) also includes the genets, linsang, and fossa, and formerly included the mongooses. ∎  a strong musky perfume obtained from the secretions of the civet's scent glands. 2. another term for cacomistle. ∎  the fur of the cacomistle.


views 3,579,998 updated Jun 27 2018

civet Small, nocturnal, carnivorous mammal, related to the genet and mongoose, found in Africa, Asia and s Europe. It has a narrow body set on long legs, and its coat is grey-yellow with black markings. There are c.20 species. Overall length: 53–150cm (21–59in). Family Viverridae.


views 2,810,285 updated May 18 2018

civet (quadruped yielding) the musky secretion called by the same name. XVI. — F. civette — It. zibetto — medL. zibethum — Arab. zabād (the secretion).
Also civet-cat XVII.


views 2,926,196 updated May 23 2018


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