
views updated May 11 2018

char1 / chär/ • v. (charred, char·ring) [tr.] (usu. be charred) partially burn (an object) so as to blacken its surface: their bodies were badly charred in the fire. ∎  [intr.] (of an object) become burned and discolored in such a way.• n. material that has been charred.char2 Brit., inf. • n. a charwoman.• v. (charred, char·ring) [intr.] work as a charwoman.char3 (also cha / chä/ or chai / chī/ ) • n. Brit., inf. tea.char3 (also charr) • n. (pl. same) a freshwater or marine fish (genus Salvelinus) of the salmon family, occurring in northern countries and widely valued as a food and game fish. Its several species include the North American brook trout (S. fontinalis) and the red-bellied Arctic char (S. alpinus).


views updated Jun 08 2018

1. A solid, carbonaceous residue, of high calorific value, derived from incomplete burning of organic material. It may be formed into briquettes and burned for fuel; if pure it can be used as a filter medium. Charcoal is made from wood or bone; coke, another char, is derived from coal. See pyrolysis.

2. The common name of four species of fish of the genus Salvelinus (family Salmonidae): arctic char (S. alpinus); brook trout (S. fontinalis); Dolly Varden trout (S. malma); and lake trout (S. namaycush).


views updated May 08 2018

char Solid carbonaceous residue of high calorific value, derived from incomplete burning of organic material. It may be formed into briquettes and burned for fuel; if pure it can be used as a filter medium. Charcoal is made from wood or bone; coke, another char, is derived from coal. See PYROLYSIS.


views updated May 23 2018

char 3
(i). var. of CHARE sb. XIII;

(ii). short for CHARWOMAN XIX.
Hence as vb.


views updated May 21 2018

char 2 reduce to charcoal, scorch. XVII. Presumably a back-formation f. CHARCOAL.


views updated May 29 2018

char 1 small trout. XVII. of unkn. orig.

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