
Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Braintree (town, United States)

Braintree, town (1990 pop. 33,836), E Mass., a suburb of Boston; inc. 1640. Metal, rubber, and paper are among its manufactures. Braintree included Quincy (birthplace of John Adams and John Quincy Adams) until 1792 and Randolph until 1793. John Hancock and Gen. Sylvanus Thayer, superintendent of West Point from 1817 to 1833, were born in Braintree. The Thayer Academy there was founded by the general.


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Braintree (town and district, England)

Braintree, town (1991 pop. 30,975) and district, Essex, E England, between the Pant (Blackwater) and Brain river valleys. It has textile, plastic, and metal-product industries. Bricks from ancient Roman roads (the region is bisected by the line of the Roman Stane Street) were used in the building of the town church. The district comprises two towns: Braintree and Bocking.


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