
views updated May 17 2018


AMES (Añes ), 16th century *Marrano family living in the British Isles. george aÑes settled in London in 1521 but later returned to Portugal, where he died. In 1541 his wife and sons, francisco and gonsalvo, fled to England to escape the Inquisition. Francisco, soldier and administrator in Ireland, became mayor of Youghal. Gonsalvo (Dunstan) Añes (d. 1594), a successful merchant and financial agent, was purveyor to Elizabeth i and served as an intelligence agent, conveying secret mail on his ships. His eldest daughter, sarah, married Roderigo *Lopez. Of his sons, jacob settled in Constantinople and lived openly as a Jew; another, William, was an English soldier and intelligence agent. The English branch of the family became complete Christians.


Wolf, in: jhset, 11 (1924–27), 12–17; Roth, England, index.

[Vivian David Lipman]


views updated Jun 11 2018

AMES Air Ministry Experimental Station
• Association of Marine Engineering Schools

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