
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University Press


LocarnoMano, piano •Arno, boliviano, Bolzano, Carnot, chicano, guano, Kano, llano, Locarno, Lugano, Marciano, Marrano, meccano, oregano, Pisano, poblano, Romano, siciliano, soprano, SukarnoRenault, steno, tenno •techno • Fresno • Pernod •ripieno, volcano •albino, bambino, beano, Borodino, Borsalino, cappuccino, casino, chino, Comino, concertino, Filipino, fino, Gino, keno, Ladino, Latino, Leno, maraschino, merino, Monte Cassino, Navarino, neutrino, Pacino, palomino, pecorino, Reno, San Marino, Sansovino, Torino, Trevino, Valentino, vino, Zenominnow, winnow •Llandudno • Gobineau • domino •Martineau •lino, rhino, wino •tonneau • Grodno •Livorno, porno •Mezzogiorno •cui bono?, kimono, Mono, no-no, phono •Bruno, Gounod, Juneau, Juno, Uno •Huguenot • pompano •Brno, inferno, journo, Salerno, Sterno


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press


Locarno (lōkär´nō), town (1990 est. pop. 14,150), Ticino canton, S Switzerland, at the northern end of Lago Maggiore. In a beautiful resort region with a mild Mediterranean climate, Locarno attracts a great number of tourists. Machinery and electrochemical products are made. In 1512 it was taken from Milan by the Swiss cantons, and in 1803 it was included in Ticino canton. There are many fine churches; among them is the noted pilgrimage church, Madonna del Sasso (first built 1480), which has a painting by Bramantino.


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