
views updated May 23 2018


ETHNONYMS: Itén, Iténe, Iteneo, Iténez

The 100 to 150 Moré live at the juncture of Mamoré and Iténez rivers in the north-central area of the department of Beni in Bolivia. In the early part of the twentieth century, many crossed the Itenéz into Brazil (where it is called the Río Guaporé), so that in the 1940s there were more of the then 3,000 to 5,000 Moré in Brazil than in Bolivia; some, at least, joined the Chácobo and Sinabo tribes. Until the mid-twentieth century, the Moré inhabited the large area between the Mamoré and Guaporé rivers and between the Machupo and Itonama rivers (12 to 13 S, 63 to 64 W). The Moré language belongs to the Chapacuran Family. In 1700 the Moré numbered 3,000, but in the eighteenth century they were exposed to slave raiders and to diseases introduced by gold prospectors; in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries they were exploitated by rubber tappers. During the eighteenth century, many Moré lived in Catholic missions. In 1938 they were provided a school to hasten their pacification, which was incomplete at that time. The Moré live in the tropical forest and raise maize, cotton, and plantains and are assimilating rapidly; many are protected by ranchers in the area of the Mamoré and Iténez rivers. The number of Moré has dropped greatly in the latter half of the twentieth century owing to assimilation, and the culture is likely to disappear altogether within a few generations.

In 1940 the life-style of the Moré was still essentially traditional. They were swidden horticulturists who raised maize, sweet manioc (their staple food), sweet potatoes, yams, pineapples, gourds, bananas, papayas, cotton, and red peppers. They gathered Brazil nuts, mangaba (Hancornia speciosa ), wild cacao, and palm fruits, as well as the eggs of turtles and caimans. They hunted, primarily peccaries, but avoided deer, which were taboo to them. The Moré fished with bows and arrows, basket traps, and with poison. They traveled in 10-meter-long dugout canoes, and both sexes wore long bark-cloth shirts.

The Moré, who are monogamous, traditionally built their shelters, lean-tos 5 to 14 meters in length, near their gardens. Each hut was inhabited by up to eight families. When mosquitoes became troublesome, they moved into small cabins tightly covered with patoju leaves. Other buildings were constructed to serve as workshops and as men's houses. Moré huts contained cotton hammocks and benches for ceremonial use. Each residential unit was politically independent and led by the head of the household, who held little authority.

Music is important to the Moré. They use at least twenty kinds of musical instruments and sing songs pertaining to horticulture and hunting.


Key, Harold, and Mary Key (1967). Bolivian Indian Tribes: Classification, Bibliography, and Map of Present Language Distribution. Norman: Summer Institute of Linguistics of the University of Oklahoma.

Martínez, Pedro Plaza, and Juan Carvajal Carvajal (1985). Etnías y lenguas de Bolivia. La Paz: Instituto Boliviano de Cultura.

Ryden, Stig (1942). "Notes on the Moré Indians, Río Guaporé, Bolivia." Ethnos 7(2-3): 84-124.


views updated May 29 2018

more / môr/ • adj. & pron. 1. comparative of many, much.2. a greater or additional amount or degree: [as adj.] I poured myself more coffee | [as pron.] tell me more they proved more of a hindrance than a help. • adv. 1. comparative of much.2. forming the comparative of adjectives and adverbs, esp. those of more than one syllable: for them, enthusiasm is more important than talent. 3. to a greater extent: I like chicken more than turkey. ∎  (more than) extremely (used before an adjective conveying a positive feeling or attitude): she is more than happy to oblige. 4. again: repeat once more. 5. moreover: he was rich, and more, he was handsome.PHRASES: more and more at a continually increasing rate: vacancies were becoming more and more rare.more like itsee like1 .more or less speaking imprecisely; to a certain extent: they are more or less a waste of time. ∎  approximately: more or less symmetrical.more so of the same kind to a greater degree: the waiter found me delightful and my little sister even more more1. nothing further: there was no more to be said about it. 2. no further: you must have some soup, but no more wine. 3. (be no more) exist no longer. 4. never again: mention his name no more to me. 5. neither: I had no complaints and no more did Tom.


views updated Jun 08 2018

more more people know Tom Fool than Tom Fool knows proverbial saying, mid 17th century. Tom Fool was a name given to the part of the fool in a play or morris dance, and the earliest recorded version of this proverb is ‘more know the Clown, than the Clown knows’ (S. Holland, Wit and Fancy, 1655).
the more the merrier often used in agreement or encouragement; proverbial saying, late 14th century.
the more you get, the more you want proverbial saying, mid 14th century; an earlier version is found in Horace's Epistles, ‘quanto plura parasti, tanto plura cupis [you want as much again as you already have]’. (Compare appetite comes with eating, much would have more.)

See also more haste, less speed, the more laws, the more thieves, less is more, much would have more, there are more ways of killing a cat.


views updated May 23 2018

A. greater (surviving in (the) m.'s the pity, the m. fool you, etc.) OE.

B. existing in greater quantity or degree XIV.

C. a greater number of, more numerous XVI.

D. additional XIII. OE. māra, fem., n. māre = OS. mēro, OHG. mēro (G. mehr-), ON. meiri, Goth. maiza :- Gmc. *maizan- f. *maiz :- IE. *məis, with compar. suffix -is (cf. -ER3).
Hence as sb. late OE., as adv. XII. Hence moreover in phr. and yet more over ‘and still more beyond’, whence, introducing an additional statement, ‘besides’. XIV.


views updated May 23 2018

More ★★½ 1969

Smells like teen angst in the ‘60s when a German college grad falls for an American in Paris, to the tune of sex, drugs, and Pink Floyd. Schroeder's first effort as director, it's definitely a ‘60s pic. In French with English subtitles. 110m/C VHS, DVD . Mimsy Farmer, Klaus Grunberg, Heinz Engelmann, Michel Chanderli; D: Barbet Schroeder; C: Nestor Almendros.

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