
views 1,571,517 updated May 11 2018

missal XIV (messel). — (partly through OF. messel, mod. missel) medL. missāle, use of n. sg. of missālis pert. to the Mass, f. missa MASS1; see -AL1.


views 3,676,977 updated May 17 2018

Missal. The book (in full Missale Romanum) containing introductory documents and everything to be said at the celebration of the mass (Lat., missa), together with the major ceremonial directions.


views 1,705,740 updated May 23 2018

mis·sal / ˈmisəl/ • n. a book containing the texts used in the Catholic Mass throughout the year.


views 3,009,314 updated May 29 2018

missal a book containing the texts used in the Catholic Mass throughout the year. Recorded from Middle English, the word comes from medieval Latin missale, neuter of ecclesiastical Latin missalis ‘relating to the Mass’, from missa ‘Mass’.

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