Schiller, F(erdinand) C(anning) S(cott)(1864-1937)

views updated May 14 2018

Schiller, F(erdinand) C(anning) S(cott)(1864-1937)

Author, philosopher, and president of the Society for Psychical Research, London (1914). He was born on August 16, 1864, at Ottensen, near Altona, Germany. He was educated at Rugby School, and Balliol College, Oxford University (M.A., D.Sc., LL.D.). He moved to the United States, taught philosophy at Cornell University for four years and then spent many years as a private tutor. He joined the SPR in 1884.

He became an active member of the SPR and served terms as president and vice president (1920-28). His earliest contribution to the society's Proceedings was on automatic writing experiments (vol. 4, pt. 11, 1887). He later contributed frequent reviews and articles on psychological and philosophical aspects to both the Proceedings and the Journal of the SPR and other psychic and non-psychic periodicals.

He was author of the articles on psychical research in the Encyclopedia Britannica (11th edition, 1920) and of articles on Spiritism and telepathy in Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. He also authored a number of books on various philosophical questions. He died August 6, 1937.


Berger, Arthur S., and Joyce Berger. The Encyclopedia of Parapsychology and Psychical Research. New York: Paragon House, 1991.

Pleasants, Helene, ed. Biographical Dictionary of Parapsychology. New York: Helix Press, 1964.

Schiller, F. C. S. Humanism. N.p., 1903. Reprint, Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1969. Reprint, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1970.

. "On Some Philosophical Assumptions in the Investigation of the Problem of a Future Life." Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 15 (1900).

. "Philosophy, Science, and Psychical Research. A Presidential Address." Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research 27 (1914).

. Problems of Belief. London: Hodder & Stoughton; New York: George H. Doran, 1924. Reprint, New York: AMS Press, 1980.

. Psychology and Logic in Psychology and the Sciences. N.p., 1924. . "The Progress of Psychical Research." Fortnightly Review 77 (1905).

. The Riddle of the Sphinx. N.p., 1891. Reprint, New York: Greenwood Press, 1968. Reprint, Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1970.

. Studies in Humanism. N.p., 1907. Reprint, Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1969. Reprint;, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1970.

. Tantalus, or the Future of Man. N.p., 1924. London: K. Paul, Trnch, Trubner & Co.; New York: E. P. Dutton, 1924.

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