
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University Press


Linus •pandanus •badness, madness, sadness •Magnus • aptness •fatness, patness •redness • wetness •anus, Coriolanus, heinous, Janus, Punta Arenas, Silvanusgenus, intravenous, Maecenas, Malvinas, Salinas, venous, Venus •Cygnus • proteinous • ruinous •libidinous •multitudinous, platitudinous, pulchritudinous, vicissitudinous •cartilaginous, farraginous, oleaginous •fuliginous, indigenous, oxygenous, polygynous, rubiginous, vertiginous •androgynous, autogenous, endogenous, erogenous, exogenous, homogenous, hydrogenous, misogynous •ferruginous • ominous •bituminous, leguminous, luminous, numinous, voluminous •conterminous, coterminous, terminus, verminous •larcenous • gelatinous • cretinous •mountainous •glutinous, mutinous •resinous •Aquinas, Delphinus, echinus, Linus, Longinus, minus, Plotinus, sinus, vinous •oddness • wanness • hotness •Faunus, rawness •Kaunas •bonus, Cronus, Jonas, lowness, onus, Tithonus •oldness •newness, twoness •fulness •alumnus, rumness •oneness • Oceanus • Eridanus •diaphanous • polyphonous •cacophonous, homophonous •porcellanous • villainous •membranous • tyrannous •synchronous • Uranus • tetanus •monotonous • gluttonous •cavernous, ravenous •treasonous • poisonous • Avernus


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Linus (in Greek mythology)

Linus, in Greek mythology. 1 Son of Apollo and Psamathe of Argos. He was deserted by his mother on a hillside and devoured by dogs. When Psamathe's father learned what his daughter had done, he had her killed. For this double outrage, Apollo cursed Argos with a plague for which there could be no release until Psamathe and Linus were propitiated with prayers and songs of lamentation. The "Linus song," a lament derived from this legend, was sung at harvest time as a dirge for the dying vegetation. 2 Famous musician who taught Hercules. When Linus tried to punish Hercules, the latter killed him. Another legend says that Linus was killed by Apollo, who tolerated no rivals in music.


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Linus (in the Bible)

Linus, in the New Testament, Roman Christian. He is often identified with St. Linus.


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