Dušek, Jan Ladislav

views updated Jun 11 2018

Dušek, Jan Ladislav [ Jan Ladislav Dussek] (b Čáslav, 1760; d St Germain-en-Laye, 1812). Bohem. pianist and composer. Began career as virtuoso pianist in Malines, 1779, then had comp. lessons from C. P. E. Bach in Hamburg 1782. Visited Ger., Russia, Fr., and It. as pianist; settled in London 1789–99, appearing with Haydn. Served various royal patrons after 1803, the last being Talleyrand (Prince of Benevento). Prolific composer, works incl. 34 pf. sonatas; 15 pf. concs.; conc. for 2 pf.; pf. trios; ballad-opera; mass; 38 vn. sonatas; 16 fl. sonatas; etc. (much of it worth exploring).

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