Arundel, Henry Fitz Alan, 12th earl of

views updated May 21 2018

Arundel, Henry Fitz Alan, 12th earl of (1512–80). Arundel steered a dextrous course through the rapids of mid-Tudor politics. He was in high favour with Henry VIII, who was his godfather, served with distinction against the French, and was awarded the Garter. He succeeded his father in 1544. During the reign of Edward VI Arundel was at odds with the duke of Northumberland and spent a year in the Tower. In 1553 he ostensibly supported Lady Jane Grey, doing homage to her, but took out an insurance by reporting everything to Mary. At the crisis he arrested Northumberland at Cambridge. Under Mary he was Lord Steward and, as a fellow-catholic, once more in favour. In Elizabeth's reign, he was mentioned as a possible husband. But he was implicated in the Ridolfi plot in 1571, spent more years in captivity, and in the later 1570s lived in quiet retirement.

J. A. Cannon

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