Buckingham, Edward Stafford, 3rd duke of

views updated Jun 11 2018

Buckingham, Edward Stafford, 3rd duke of (1478–1521). Stafford's great-great-grandfather was killed at Shrewsbury in 1403 fighting for Henry IV; his great-grandfather, the 1st duke, died fighting for the Lancastrians at Northampton in 1460. His father, a prominent supporter of Richard III, was seized and executed at Salisbury in 1483, when Stafford was 6. He was restored to his title by Henry VII and given the Garter when he was 21. In 1509, at the coronation of Henry VIII, he claimed the right to act as lord high chamberlain. He had royal blood, through Thomas, duke of Gloucester, younger son of Edward III, and his mother, Catherine Woodville, sister to Edward IV's queen. Under a suspicious king, this was a dangerous heritage. In addition, his connection by marriages with the Percies, de la Poles, and Howards made him one of the greatest magnates of the day. His life-style was lavish and his behaviour grand. In 1520, an anonymous letter to Wolsey accused the duke of treasonable words. He was summoned from Thornbury, placed in the Tower, and executed on 17 May 1521.

J. A. Cannon

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Edward 3d duke of Buckingham Stafford

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