Black Orpheus

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Black Orpheus ★★★½ Orfeu Negro 1958

The legend of Orpheus and Eurydice unfolds against the colorful background of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. In the black section of the city, Orfeo (Mello) is a street-car conductor and Eurydice (Dawn), a country girl fleeing from a stranger sworn to kill her. The man has followed her to Rio and disguised himself as the figure of Death. Dancing, incredible music, and black magic add to the beauty of this film. Based on the play “Orfeu da Conceica” by De Moraes. In Portuguese with English subtitles or dubbed. 103m/C VHS, DVD . BR FR PT Breno Mello, Marpessa Dawn, Lea Garcia, Fausto Guerzoni, Lourdes De Oliveira, Adhemar Da Silva, Alexandro Constantino, Waldetar De Souza; D: Marcel Camus; W: Vinicius De Moraes, Jacques Viot; C: Jean (Yves, Georges) Bourgoin; M: Antonio Carlos Jobim, Luis Bonfa. Oscars '59: Foreign Film; Cannes '59: Film; Golden Globes '60: Foreign Film.

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