
views updated Jun 11 2018

as·trin·gent / əˈstrinjənt/ • adj. 1. causing the contraction of body tissues, typically of the skin: an astringent skin lotion.2. sharp or severe in manner or style. ∎  (of taste or smell) sharp or bitter.• n. a substance that causes the contraction of body tissues, typically used to protect the skin and to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions.DERIVATIVES: as·trin·gen·cy·trin·gent·ly adv. (in sense 2 of the adjective).


views updated May 18 2018

astringent causing contraction of bodily tissues XVI; severe, austere XIX. — F. astringent or L. astringēns, -ent-, f. astringere, f. AD- + stringere bind, draw tight (see STRICTURE).


views updated Jun 27 2018

astringent (ă-strin-jĕnt) n. a drug that causes cells to shrink by precipitating proteins from their surfaces. Astringents are used in lotions to harden and protect the skin and to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions.

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