lyre Ancient stringed musical instrument. Used originally by the Sumerians, it was introduced into Egypt and Assyria in the second millennium bc. In classical Greek times it had seven strings supported by a wooden frame and attached to a sound box at the base; the strings were plucked using a bulky plectrum. In Europe since the Middle Ages, they have more commonly been played with a bow. Today, the lyre also exists in various forms in e Africa and in Ethiopia.
lyre / līr/ •
n. a stringed instrument like a small U-shaped harp with strings fixed to a crossbar, used esp. in ancient Greece. Modern instruments of this type are found mainly in East Africa.
lyre XIII. — OF. lire (mod. lyre) — L. lyra — Gr. lúrā.
So lyric XVI. — F. lyrique or L. lyricus — Gr. lurikós. lyrical XVI.
So lyric XVI. — F. lyrique or L. lyricus — Gr. lurikós. lyrical XVI.
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