hob1 / häb/ • n. 1. a flat metal shelf at the side or back of a fireplace, having its surface level with the top of the grate and used esp. for heating pans.2. a machine tool used for cutting gears or screw threads. hob2 • n. 1. a male ferret. Compare with gill4 (sense 2).2. archaic or dial. a sprite or hobgoblin.PHRASES: play (or raise) hob cause mischief.
hob a sprite or hobgoblin. In Middle English the word meant ‘country fellow’, and was a pet form of Rob, short for Robin or Robert, often referring specifically to Robin Goodfellow.
hob2 side of a grate, perh. orig. back of a grate formed of a mass of clay XVI (hubbe); peg or pin as a target XVI. of unkn. orig.; cf. HUB.
Hence hobnail XVI.
Hence hobnail XVI.
hob1 rustic, clown XIV; sprite, elf XV. By-form of Rob, short for Robin, Robert.
Hence hobgoblin (cf. Robin Goodfellow) XVI.
Hence hobgoblin (cf. Robin Goodfellow) XVI.
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