
views updated Jun 27 2018

croon / kroōn/ • v. [intr.] hum or sing in a soft, low voice, esp. in a sentimental manner: she was crooning to the child | [tr.] the female vocalist crooned smoky blues into the microphone. ∎  say in a soft, low voice: “Goodbye, you lovely darling,” she crooned. • n. [in sing.] a soft, low voice or tone: a gentle, highly expressive croon.


views updated May 21 2018

croon. To sing softly to a baby, but the wider usage since 1930s means to sing softly, and often sentimentally, with a dance band. Practitioners are known as ‘crooners’, the most eminent being Bing Crosby, though he was preceded by ‘Whispering’ Jack Smith and Rudy Vallee.


views updated May 14 2018

croon (dial.) bellow, roar, rumble XIV; utter a low murmuring sound XVIII. north. Eng. and Sc. croyne, crune — MLG., MDu. krōnen lament, mourn, groan (Du. kreunen groan, whimper), of imit. orig.

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