
views 2,552,987 updated May 29 2018

co·lon1 / ˈkōlən/ • n. a punctuation mark (:) indicating: ∎  that a writer is introducing a quotation or a list of items. ∎  that a writer is separating two clauses of which the second expands or illustrates the first. ∎  a statement of proportion between two numbers: a ratio of 10:1. ∎  the separation of hours from minutes (and minutes from seconds) in a statement of time given in numbers: 4:30 p.m. ∎  the number of the chapter and verse respectively in biblical references: Exodus·lon2 • n. Anat. the main part of the large intestine, which passes from the cecum to the rectum and absorbs water and electrolytes from food that has remained undigested.


views 3,705,631 updated May 17 2018

COLON. The PUNCTUATION mark (:). It has an anticipatory effect, leading from what precedes to what follows. The following are the main uses: (1) To introduce a list of items: You will need the following: a pen, pencil, rubber, piece of paper, and ruler. (2) To introduce speech or quoted material, as a stronger alternative to the comma: I told them last week: ‘Do not in any circumstances open this door.’ (3) To lead or ‘point’ from one CLAUSE to another: from introduction to theme (I want to say this: we are deeply grateful to all of you); from statement to example (It was not easy: to begin with, I had to find the right house); from cause to effect (The weather was bad: so we stayed at home); from premiss to conclusion (There are hundreds of wasps in the garden: there must be a nest there); from statement to explanation (I gave up: I had tried everything without success). (4) To introduce an antithesis or highlight a contrast: He died young: but he died rich; They spoke bitterly: and yet they were forgiving. (5) To produce a staccato or paratactic effect, either by replacing a conjunction such as but (I called: you did not answer) or in a progression or sequence (He arrived: he knocked at the door: we waited: he went away). See SEMICOLON.


views 3,434,408 updated May 23 2018

colon 2 member of a sentence; the punctuation mark (:). XVI. — L. cōlon — Gr. kôlon limb, clause.

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