
views 1,462,786 updated May 18 2018

de·fine / diˈfīn/ • v. [tr.] 1. state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of. ∎  give the meaning of (a word or phrase), esp. in a dictionary. ∎  make up or establish the character of: the football team defines their identity.2. mark out the boundary or limits of. ∎  make clear the outline of; delineate.DERIVATIVES: de·fin·a·ble·fin·er n.


views 2,681,768 updated May 21 2018

define determine the limits of; state exactly what (a thing) is. XIV. — OF. definer — Rom. *dēfīnāre, for L. dēfinīre, f. DE- 3 + fīnīre FINISH.
So definite having fixed limits. XV. — L. dēfīnītus, pp. of dēfīnīre. definition, definitive XIV. — (O)F. — L.

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