cuff1 / kəf/ • n. 1. the end part of a sleeve, where the material of the sleeve is turned back or a separate band is sewn on. ∎ the part of a glove covering the wrist. ∎ the turned-up end of a trouser leg. ∎ the top part of a boot, typically padded or turned down. ∎ an inflatable bag wrapped around the arm when blood pressure is measured.2. (cuffs) inf. handcuffs.• v. [tr.] inf. secure with handcuffs.PHRASES: off the cuff inf. without preparation: they posed some difficult questions to answer off the cuff | [as adj.] an off-the-cuff remark. DERIVATIVES: cuffed adj. [in comb.] a double-cuffed shirt.cuff2 • v. [tr.] strike (someone) with an open hand, esp. on the head.• n. [usu. in sing.] a blow given with an open hand.
cuff 1 †glove, mitten XIV; band at the bottom of a sleeve XVI; fetter for the wrist XVII. of unkn. orig.