
views updated May 17 2018

com·fort / ˈkəmfərt/ • n. 1. a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. ∎  (comforts) things that contribute to physical ease and well-being. ∎  prosperity and the pleasant lifestyle secured by it.2. consolation for grief or anxiety: a few words of comfort. ∎  reassurance: they should take comfort that help is available. ∎  [in sing.] a person or thing that gives consolation: his friendship was a great comfort. ∎  a person or thing that gives satisfaction: I felt a great comfort in the relationship of the moon to my astrological sign.3. dial. a warm quilt.• v. [tr.] soothe in grief; console. ∎  help (someone) feel at ease; reassure.PHRASES: too — for comfort causing physical or mental unease by an excess of the specified quality: it can be too hot for comfort in July and August.DERIVATIVES: com·fort·ing·ly·fort·less adj.


views updated Jun 11 2018

comfort †encouragement, support; relief in distress XIII; cause of satisfaction or content XVI; material well-being XIX. — OF. confort, Rom. sb. f. late L. confortāre, f. CON- + fortis strong.
So comfort vb. XIII. comfortable †encouraging, reassuring, pleasant XIV; affording content; at ease XVIII. — AN. confortable.


views updated May 29 2018


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