
views updated May 29 2018

blush / bləsh/ • v. [intr.] develop a pink tinge in the face from embarrassment or shame: she blushed at the unexpected compliment. ∎  feel embarrassed or ashamed.• n. 1. a reddening of the face as a sign of embarrassment or shame: he had brought a faint blush to her cheeks. ∎  a pink or pale red tinge: the roses were white with a lovely pink blush. ∎ another term for blusher).2. (also blush wine) a wine with a slight pink tint made in the manner of white wine but from red grape varieties.PHRASES: at first blush at the first glimpse or impression.


views updated May 09 2018

Blush ★★ Hongfen 1995

Shanghai prostitutes and friends Quiyi (Ji) and Xiao (Saifei) are stripped of their vocation by the communist takeover in 1949. Quiyi manages to take refuge with her favorite customer, wealthy Lao Pu (Zhiwen), while Xiao is re-educated and becomes a worker in a silk factory. Eventually thrown out of the house by Lao's disapproving mother, Quiyi learns to make her own way. Xiao meets Lao after his family has lost their money and winds up marrying him, unhappily since Lao continually pines for Quiyi. Based on the novel by Su Tong; Cantonese with subtitles. 119m/C VHS . CH Wang Ji, Saifei He, Zhiwen Wang, Wang Rouli; D: Li Shaohong; W: Li Shaohong, Ni Zhen; C: Zeng Nianping; M: Guo Wenjing.


views updated May 14 2018

blush vb. OE. blysċan, corr. to MLG. bloschen, LG. blüsken; cf. (M)Du. blōzen, OE. āblysian.


views updated May 23 2018


a group of young boys, 1486 [15th-century pun on the shyness of adolescent youth].

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