
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University Press


CycladicChadic, Cycladic, Helladic, maenadic, nomadic, sporadic, triadic •heraldic • Icelandic • asdic •bardic, Haggadic, Lombardic, Sephardic •medic, paramedic, Samoyedic •Wendic • Vedic •comedic, cyclopedic, encyclopedic, medick, orthopaedic (US orthopedic) •acidic, Druidic, hasidic •dik-dik •Indic, syndic •aperiodic, episodic, geodic, melodic, methodic, monodic, parodic, periodic, prosodic, psalmodic, rhapsodic, Roddick, spasmodic, threnodic •Nordic •ludic, pudic •Talmudic •autobiographic, autographic, bibliographic, biographic, calligraphic, cartographic, choreographic, cinematographic, cryptographic, demographic, geographic, graphic, hagiographic, historiographic, holographic, hydrographic, iconographic, lithographic, monographic, orthographic, palaeographic (US paleographic), photographic, pictographic, pornographic, reprographic, Sapphic, seraphic, stenographic, telegraphic, traffic, typographic, xerographic •Efik, malefic •Delphic, Guelphic •anaglyphic, beatific, calorific, colorific, hieroglyphic, honorific, horrific, Indo-Pacific, pacific, prolific, scientific, soporific, specific, terrific, transpacific, triglyphic •catastrophic, dystrophic, philosophic, strophic, theosophic, trophic •anamorphic, biomorphic, metamorphic, Orphic, polymorphic, zoomorphic •Kufic, Sufic •demagogic • yogic


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Cycladic art

Cycladic art (sĬklăd´Ĭk), Bronze Age art of the Cyclades, an island group of the central Aegean. Early tomb remains include several types of jugs, pots, and bowls decorated in geometric designs, as well as figural sculptures made of marble. The latter are predominantly female fertility figures of many sizes, restrained in expression and refined in execution. They are frontal and geometric in style. Figures of musicians have also been discovered. In pottery of the 17th cent. BC, found at Phylakopi in Mílos, considerable Minoan influence is discernible (see Minoan civilization). Cycladic art was absorbed by the Mycenaeans c.1400 BC (see Mycenaean civilization).

See studies by C. Dovmas (1981) and P. Getz-Preziosi (1987).


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