
views 3,999,128 updated May 18 2018

anthemion (pl. anthemia).
1. Decorative group of leafy forms resembling a radiating cluster of flowers on the same plant, and called by some a honeysuckle: it occurs in Classical architecture above acroteria, on antefixa, on cornices, on the hypotrachelium of some varieties of the Greek Ionic Order, and elsewhere, often used alternately with the palmette or lotus in horizontal embellishments such as friezes, and sometimes instead of the fleuron on the Corinthian capital.

2. William Wilkins, in Prolusiones Architectonicae (1837), thought it referred to the Ionic volute, but this seems to be discounted.


views 2,225,234 updated Jun 08 2018

anthemion an ornamental design of alternating motifs resembling clusters of narrow leaves or honeysuckle petals.

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