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think / [unvoicedth]ingk/ • v. (past and past part. thought / [unvoicedth]ôt/ ) 1. have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something: she thought that nothing would be the same again | [intr.] what would John think of her? | (be thought) it's thought he may have collapsed from shock | up to 300 people were thought to have died. ∎  used in questions to express anger or surprise: What do you think you're doing? ∎  (I think) used in speech to reduce the force of a statement or opinion, or to politely suggest or refuse something: I thought we could go out for a meal.2. [intr.] direct one's mind toward someone or something; use one's mind actively to form connected ideas: he was thinking about Colin Jack thought for a moment| [tr.] any writer who so rarely produces a book is not thinking deep thoughts. ∎  (think of/about) take into account or consideration when deciding on a possible action: you can live how you like, but there's the children to think about. ∎  (think of/about) consider the possibility or advantages of (a course of action): he was thinking of becoming a zoologist. ∎  have a particular mental attitude or approach: he thought like a general | one should always think positive. ∎  (think of) have a particular opinion of: I think of him as a friend she did not think highly of modern art. ∎  call something to mind; remember: lemon thyme is a natural pair with any chicken dish you can think of | I hadn't thought to warn Rachel about him. ∎  imagine (an actual or possible situation): think of being paid a salary to hunt big game! ∎  expect: I never thought we'd raise so much money | she said something he'd never thought to have heard said again. ∎  (think oneself into) concentrate on imagining what it would be like to be in (a position or role): she tried to think herself into the part of Peter's fiancée.• n. [in sing.] inf. an act of thinking: I went for a walk to have a think.PHRASES: have (got) another think coming inf. used to express the speaker's disagreement with or unwillingness to do something suggested by someone else: if they think I'm going to do physical exercises, they've got another think coming.think again reconsider something, typically so as to alter one's intentions or ideas.think out loud express one's thoughts as soon as they occur.think better of decide not to do (something) after reconsideration.think bigsee big.think fitsee fit1 .think for oneself have an independent mind or attitude.think nothing (or little) of consider (an activity others regard as odd, wrong, or difficult) as straightforward or normal.think nothing of itsee nothing.think on one's feetsee foot.think twice consider a course of action carefully before embarking on it.think the world ofsee world.PHRASAL VERBS: think back recall a past event or time: I keep thinking back to school.think on think of or about.think something out consider something in all its aspects before taking action: the plan had not been properly thought out.think something over consider something carefully.think something through consider all the possible effects or implications of something: they had failed to think the policy through.think something up inf. use one's ingenuity to invent or devise something.DERIVATIVES: think·a·ble / ˈ[unvoicedth]ingkəbəl/ adj.

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