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pro·found / prəˈfound; prō-/ • adj. (-found·er, -found·est) 1. (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense: profound social changes profound feelings of disquiet. ∎  (of a disease or disability) very severe; deep-seated: a case of profound liver failure.2. (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight: a profound philosopher. ∎  (of a subject or thought) demanding deep study or thought: expressing profound truths in simple language.3. archaic at, from, or extending to a great depth; very deep: he opened the door with a profound bow.• n. (the profound) poetic/lit. the vast depth of the ocean or of the mind.DERIVATIVES: pro·found·ly adv. a profoundly disturbing experience. pro·found·ness n.

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