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miss1 / mis/ • v. [tr.] 1. fail to hit, reach, or come into contact with (something aimed at): a laser-guided bomb had missed its target | [intr.] he was given two free throws, but missed both times. ∎  pass by without touching; chance not to hit: a piece of shrapnel missed him by inches. ∎  fail to catch (something thrown or dropped). ∎  be too late to catch (a passenger vehicle, etc.): we'll miss the train if he doesn't hurry. ∎  fail to notice, hear, or understand: the villa is impossible to miss—it's right by the road. ∎  fail to attend, participate in, or watch (something one is expected to do or habitually does): teachers were supposed to report those students who missed class that day. ∎  fail to see or have a meeting with (someone): “Potter's been here this morning?” “You've just missed him.” ∎  not be able to experience or fail to take advantage of (an opportunity or chance): don't miss the chance to visit the breathtaking Dolomites | [intr.] he failed to recover from a leg injury and missed out on a trip to Barcelona. ∎  avoid; escape: smart Christmas shoppers go out early to miss the crowds. ∎  fail to include (someone or something); omit: if we miss a few things in the first draft, we can add them later. ∎  (of a woman) fail to have (a monthly period). ∎  [intr.] (of an engine or motor vehicle) undergo failure of ignition in one or more cylinders.2. notice the loss or absence of: he's rich—he won't miss the money she slipped away when she thought she wouldn't be missed. ∎  feel regret or sadness at no longer being able to enjoy the presence of: she misses all her old friends. ∎  feel regret or sadness at no longer being able to go to, do, or have: I still miss France and I wish I could go back.• n. a failure to hit, catch, or reach something: Elster's stunning catch in the third inning made up for his dreadful miss in the first. ∎  a failure, esp. an unsuccessful movie, television show, recording, etc.: moviegoers will decide whether Brando's latest flick is a hit or a miss.PHRASES: miss a beat1. (of the heart) temporarily fail or appear to fail to beat.2. inf. hesitate or falter, esp. in demanding circumstances or when making a transition from one activity to another: his speech segued from child-care subsidies to nuclear disarmament, without missing a beat.miss the boat (or bus) inf. be too slow to take advantage of an opportunity: the company missed the boat with its first attempt at a personal computer line five years ago.not miss a trick inf. never fail to take advantage of a situation.DERIVATIVES: miss·a·ble / ˈmisəbəl/ adj.miss2 • n. 1. (Miss) a title prefixed to the name of an unmarried woman or girl, or to that of a married woman retaining her maiden name for professional purposes: Miss Hazel Armstrong. ∎  used in the title of the winner in a beauty contest: Miss World. ∎  used as a polite form of address to a young woman or to a waitress, etc.: where will you be staying in England, miss? ∎ chiefly Brit. used by children in addressing a female teacher: please, Miss, can I be excused?2. often derog. or humorous a girl or young woman, esp. one regarded as silly or headstrong: there was none of the country bumpkin about this young miss.3. (misses) a range of standard sizes, usually 8 to 20, in women's clothing.

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