Confederation of British Industry

views 2,617,423 updated May 14 2018

Confederation of British Industry (CBI). The CBI emerged in 1965 from a group of older employers' organizations, the Federation of British Industries, the British Employers' Confederation, and the National Association of British Manufacturers, and like its predecessors aimed to influence economic decisions taken by governments. A subscription organization with a permanent staff, its origins in 1916 were relatively modest, but by 1939 the Federation of Business had a membership of about 2,900 firms and 180 trade associations, successfully lobbying the chancellor of the Exchequer. Governments in the 1960s and 1970s saw it as a partner with the Trades Union Congress in attempting to impose prices and incomes policies. In the period since 1980 its quarterly forecasts for the British economy and its sectoral surveys have been an important element in testing the effects of fiscal and monetary policy. It is the most powerful lobbying group on behalf of employers.

John Butt

Confederation of British Industry

views 3,535,938 updated May 23 2018

Confederation of British Industry (CBI) UK organization founded in 1965 to promote the prosperity and interests of British industry. Financed by c.250,000 companies, which are its members, the CBI advises the government on policy affecting the interests of industry.

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Confederation of British Industry

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Updated Aug 08 2016 About content Print Topic

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