Institute of Management Accountants
Institute of Management Accountants
Stuart Cameron and Margaret McLeod Memorial Scholarships (SCMS) (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship/Forgivable Loan)
IMA FAR Doctoral Student Grant Program (Doctorate/Grant)
IMA Memorial Education Fund Scholarships (MEF) (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship/Forgivable Loan)
10 Paragon Dr.
Montvale, NJ 07645-1718
Ph: (201)573-9000
Fax: (201)474-1600
Free: 800-638-4427
Stuart Cameron and Margaret McLeod Memorial Scholarships (SCMS) (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship/Forgivable Loan)
Purpose: To help student members of IMA offset the high cost of education and pursue further studies in preparation for careers in accounting, management and finance. Focus: Accounting; Management; Finance. Qualif.: Applicants must be IMA student members (membership number must be indicated in the application); may either be a full or part-time student with strictly 12 credits per semester; must be physically located in the United States or Puerto Rico studying at regionally accredited institutions; have a minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout undergraduate/graduate academic career; pursuing a career in management accounting, financial management, or information. Criteria: Selection is based on academic merit, IMA participation, quality of applicant’s presentation and other materials provided.
Funds Avail.: $5,000 and lodging, transportation and registrations costs for the Annual Conference in June and the Student Conference in November. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit a one-page resume; official university transcripts with school seal and enclosed in a sealed envelope; two recommendations (from a current or past employer, a current or past professor or an IMA member) submitted on the attached form and sealed in an envelope with the reference’s signature across the seal; two-page written statement indicating the applicant’s reason for applying for the scholarship, reasons why she/he deserves the award, specific contributions to IMA and ideas on how he/she will promote awareness and increase membership and certification within IMA. Deadline: February 15.
Remarks: Scholarship has two categories, undergraduate and graduate student category. Contact: Jodi Ryan at (800)638-4427, ext.
IMA FAR Doctoral Student Grant Program (Doctorate/Grant)
Purpose: To provide assistance in securing funding for research activities of accounting doctoral students in observance of their mission to develop and disseminate timely management accounting and financial management research findings that can be applied to current and emerging business issues. Focus: Accounting. Qualif.: Applicant must be an accounting doctoral student; pursuing a research that may contribute to the management accounting profession. Criteria: Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the FAR Board of Trustees and Directors.
Funds Avail.: No specific amount. To Apply: Applicants must prepare a research plan; two letters (one from dissertation chair or faculty advisor and the other from the applicant). Materials should be submitted electronically and in a .pdf format. Contact: Tara Barker, FAR Administrator, 800-638-4427, ext.1535, Raef Law-son, Research Director 800-638-4427, ext. 1532, rlawson@
IMA Memorial Education Fund Scholarships (MEF) (Graduate, Undergraduate/Scholarship/Forgivable Loan)
Purpose: To help student members of IMA offset the high cost of education and pursue further studies in preparation for careers in accounting, management and finance. Focus: Accounting; Management; Finance. Qualif.: Applicants must be IMA student members (membership number must be indicated in the application); must be physically located in the United States or Puerto Rico and is currently studying at regionally accredited institutions; must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout undergraduate/graduate academic career; pursuing a career in management accounting, financial management, or information. Criteria: Selection is based on academic merit, IMA participation, quality of applicant’s presentation and other materials provided.
Funds Avail.: $1,000-$2,500. Number Awarded: 2. To Apply: Applicants must submit a one-page resume; official university transcripts with school seal and enclosed in a sealed envelope; two letters of recommendations (from a current or past employer, a current or past professor or an IMA member) submitted on the attached form and sealed in an envelope with the reference’s signature across the seal; two-page written statement indicating the applicant’s reason for applying for the scholarship, statements why the applicant deserves the award, specific contributions to IMA, and suggestions on promoting awareness and increase membership and certification within IMA. Deadline: February 15.
Remarks: Scholarship has two categories, undergraduate and graduate student category. Contact: Jodi Ryan at (800)638-4427, ext. 1556
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Institute of Management Accountants