Utah State University: Distance Learning Programs In-Depth

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Utah State University

Time Enhanced Learning

Logan, Utah


USU Extension Services is an integral part of USU's outreach mission. Extension's Time Enhanced Learning (TEL) division provides educational opportunities for time- and place-bound students who are not able to come to the campus to attend classes.

Time Enhanced Learning offers off-campus classes at education centers, several bachelor's and master's degree programs over the digital satellite system, and a master's degree over the Internet. Many other Internetbased classes, independent study CDROM courses, and educational conferences are offered.

Enrollments through Time Enhanced Learning average 3,000 each semester, and USU is one of the leading institutions in the United States for its off-campus programs.

Since 1989, nearly 4,500 students have received degrees through the University's distance education component.


Time Enhanced Learning is made up of three main program delivery units: distance education (satellite), online education, and independent study (CD-ROM) course delivery.

Distance education degree programs offered over the digital satellite system are only available to Utah students who live near a USU Extension Center. Online courses are designed for access any time of the day or night. Online students submit assignments electronically and interact with their instructors and classmates via e-mail and online discussions.

Students who register for independent study CD-ROM courses receive a CD-ROM or printed course outline at registration. Independent study students mail in assignments, take proctored examinations, and may contact their instructors by phone or e-mail.


USU Time Enhanced Learning offers an online Master of Science in English degree with a specialization in technical writing.

The graduate technical writing degree program is designed mainly to help practicing professional writers advance their careers, and most students in the program are employed full-time as writers in nonacademic workplaces. Some students in the program may be considering careers that involve both practicing and teaching technical writing, but the program is oriented toward educating the practicing specialist and does not focus on pedagogical issues.

The Master of Science in human environments places emphasis on teaching and curriculum/program development and/or extension. It prepares students for community professions in secondary teaching, urban and rural extension, social sciences, and business.


Student services available to distance learners include access to the University bookstore, Library Support System for Distance Learners, Online Book Exchange, Academic Resource Center, and writing and researching resources. For more information on student services available to distance learners, prospective students should visit the Web site http://online.usu.edu/student_resources/.


Credit earned through USU Time Enhanced Learning is measured in semester units and is transferable to most colleges and universities in the U.S. Students who plan to transfer credit should make arrangements with the transfer institution prior to registration.


Ninety percent of Time Enhanced Learning instructors are USU faculty members; many are leading researchers in their field. Time Enhanced Learning faculty members recognize that the needs of individuals are of major importance; programs have been established to give students optimal individual attention.

Utah State University (USU) was founded in 1888 as part of the public educational system of Utah and operates under the constitution and laws of the state. It belongs to the family of institutions known as land-grant universities, which had their origin in 1862. USU is governed by the State Board of Regents and accredited by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools.

USU integrates teaching, research, extension, and service to meet its unique role as Utah's land-grant university.


Admission requirements are program specific and may be obtained by contacting the Admissions Office at 435-797-1079. Prospective students may complete an application for admission online at http://www.usu.edu/admissions. Applicants to the graduate technical writing degree program must be admitted to the program prior to registering for online courses in technical writing.


Tuition for classes in the graduate technical writing degree program is $200 per credit.


Financial aid is available for distance education students. Utah State University participates in the following financial aid programs: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), LEAAP Grants, Federal Perkins Loans, Federal Work-Study, Federal Stafford Loans, Plus Loans, scholarships, and emergency loans. For more information, prospective students should contact the financial aid office at 435-797-0173 or visit the Web site at http://www.usu.edu/finaid/.


Time Enhanced Learning
3080 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, Utah 84322-3080
Telephone: 800-233-2137 (toll-free)
Fax: 435-797-1399
E-mail: enroll@ext.usu.edu
Web sites: http://extension.usu.edu


Students working toward any of the degree programs offered through Time Enhanced Learning must be admitted to the University. Prospective students may complete an application for admission online at http://www.usu.edu/admissions or request a printed application by contacting the Admissions Office at 435-797-1079.

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