University of Florida

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Gainesville, Florida
Distance Learning

University of Florida was founded in 1853. It is accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. It first offered distance learning courses in 1996. In fall 2005, there were 4,000 students enrolled in distance learning courses. Institutionally administered financial aid is available to distance learners.
Services Distance learners have accessibility to academic advising, bookstore, campus computer network, career placement assistance, e-mail services, library services, tutoring.
Contact Chris Newsom, Distance Learning Coordinator, University of Florida, 2209 NW 13th Street, Gainesville, FL 32609. Telephone: 352-392-1711 Ext. 218. Fax: 352-392-6950. E-mail:


BS Business Administration; Fire and Emergency Services
Certificate Criminal Justice; Executive EMS Officer; Executive Emergency Management Officer; Executive Fire Officer; Geriatric Care Management
Graduate Certificate Construction Project Management; Educational Technology Production; Environmental Policy Management; Forensic DNA and Serology; Forensic Death Investigation; Forensic Drug Chemistry; Forensic Toxicology; Geriatric Care Management; Health Care Risk Management; Instruction and Curriculum; K-12 Technology Integration; Landscape Pest Management; Materials Science and Engineering; Pest Control Technology; Public Health; Sustainable Construction; Teaching and Learning with Technology; Teaching and Learning–Online Teaching and Learning; Urban Pest Management
MA Latin
MBA Business Administration
MCM International Construction Management
MEd Curriculum and Instruction
MHS Occupational Therapy
MS Agricultural Education and Communication; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Entomology; Materials Science and Engineering; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Pest Management; Pharmaceutical Science–Forensic DNA andSerology; Pharmaceutical Science–Forensic Drug Chemistry; Pharmacy Regulation and Policy; Soil and Water Science–Environmental Science; Veterinary Medical Sciences–Forensic Toxicology; Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Engineering
MSWREE Water Resources Planning and Management
PhD Audiology; Classical Civilization; Latin and Roman Studies
PharmD Pharmacy, First Professional Degree; Pharmacy, Working Professional


Undergraduate —agricultural and domestic animal services; agricultural and food products processing; agricultural business and management; agricultural production; agricultural public services; agriculture; agriculture and agriculture operations related; American literature (United States and Canadian); anthropology; applied horticulture/horticultural business services; applied mathematics; astronomy and astrophysics; biblical studies; biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; biology; botany/plant biology; business administration, management and operations; business/commerce; business, management, and marketing related; chemistry; communication and journalism related; communication and media; criminal justice and corrections; criminology; developmental and child psychology; ecology, evolution, and population biology; economics; education; educational assessment, evaluation, and research; educational psychology; education (specific subject areas); English; English as a second/foreign language (teaching); English as a second language; English composition; English language and literature related; entrepreneurial and small business operations; finance and financial management services; fire protection; food science and technology; foods, nutrition, and related services; forestry; geography and cartography; geological and earth sciences/geosciences; gerontology; history; human development, family studies, and related services; human resources management; industrial and organizational psychology; insurance; international business; journalism; languages (classics and classical); languages (Germanic); languages (Romance languages); legal studies (non-professional general, undergraduate); liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities; linguistic, comparative, and related language studies; management sciences and quantitative methods; marketing; mathematics; mathematics and statistics related; multi-/interdisciplinary studies related; natural resources and conservation related; natural resources management and policy; nutrition sciences; parks, recreation and leisure; parks, recreation and leisure facilities management; parks, recreation, and leisure related; philosophy; philosophy and religious studies related; political science and government; psychology; psychology related; public administration; public relations, advertising, and applied communication related; real estate; religious studies; sales, merchandising, and related marketing operations (general); social and philosophical foundations of education; social psychology; social sciences related; sociology; soil sciences; statistics; technical and business writing; textile sciences and engineering.
Graduate —agricultural business and management; agricultural mechanization; agricultural public services; agriculture; audiovisual communications technologies; biological and biomedical sciences related; biology/biotechnology laboratory technician; building/construction finishing, management, and inspection; business, management, and marketing related; civil engineering; classical and ancient studies; communication and media; communications technology; computer and information sciences; computer engineering; computer science; computer software and media applications; construction management; curriculum and instruction; education; educational administration and supervision; educational assessment, evaluation, and research; educational/instructional media design; education related; education (specific subject areas); engineering; environmental control technologies; foods, nutrition, and related services; genetics; gerontology; health/medical preparatory programs; materials engineering; materials science; natural resources and conservation related; natural resources management and policy; soil sciences; statistics.
Non-credit —English as a second language; environmental control technologies; foods, nutrition, and related services; gerontology; medical basic sciences; nutrition sciences.

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