Rhode Island School of Design: Tabular Data

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2 College St.
Providence, RI 02903-2784
Tel: (401)454-6100
Free: 800-364-7473
Admissions: (401)454-6307
Fax: (401)454-6309
E-mail: admissions@risd.edu
Web Site: http://www.risd.edu/
President/CEO: Roger Mandle
Registrar: Steven Berenback
Admissions: Edward Newhall
Financial Aid: Peter Riefler

Type: Comprehensive Sex: Coed Scores: 97.9% SAT V 400+; 99.3% SAT M 400+ % Accepted: 34 Admission Plans: Early Admission; Early Action; Deferred Admission Application Deadline: February 15 Application Fee: $50.00 H.S. Requirements: High school diploma required; GED accepted Costs Per Year: Application fee: $50. Comprehensive fee: $35,697 includes full-time tuition ($27,510), mandatory fees ($465), and college room and board ($7722). College room only: $4324. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Scholarships: Available Calendar System: 4-1-4, Summer Session Not available Enrollment: FT 1,882, Grad 400 Faculty: FT 146, PT 336 Student-Faculty Ratio: 11:1 Exams: SAT I or ACT % Receiving
Financial Aid:
47 % Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 40 Library Holdings: 107,436 Regional Accreditation: New England Association of Schools and Colleges Credit Hours For Degree: 126 credits, Bachelors Professional Accreditation: ASLA, NASAD

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