Pennsylvania Culinary Institute: Narrative Description

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717 Liberty Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3500
Tel: (412)566-2433
Free: 800-432-2433
Fax: (412)566-2434
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Proprietary, 2-year, coed. Awards terminal associate degrees. Founded 1986. Setting: urban campus. Educational spending 2003-04: $3206 per student. Total enrollment: 1,040. Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 18:1. Students come from 31 states and territories, 10 other countries, 46% from out-of-state, 0.2% Native American, 2% Hispanic, 11% black, 1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 32% 25 or older. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, services for LD students, double major, internships.

Entrance Requirements:

Options: Common Application, electronic application. Required: high school transcript, interview. Recommended: essay. Required for some: entrance examination (qualifying score on either SAT or ACT will exempt applicant from examination).

Costs Per Year:

Application fee: $100. Comprehensive fee: $25,341 includes full-time tuition ($18,550) and college room and board ($6791). College room only: $4343. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility. Tuition guaranteed not to increase for student's term of enrollment.

Collegiate Environment:

Orientation program. Freshmen given priority for college housing. Option: coed housing available. L. Edwin Brown Library and Resource Center with 5,000 books, 100 serials, 350 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending 2003-04: $182,955. 102 computers available on campus for general student use. A campuswide network can be accessed from student residence rooms and from off campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.

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    Pennsylvania Culinary Institute: Narrative Description